Maundy Thursday Service
A reflective service with sung worship, liturgy, communion and foot washing, taking us through the night before Jesus died.
A reflective service with sung worship, liturgy, communion and foot washing, taking us through the night before Jesus died.
Journey with the characters from the Easter story to the cross. A family-friendly event with interactive activities and crafts. Followed by refreshments and hot cross buns.
A time of reflection and prayer, remembering the three hours when Jesus hung on the cross before His death.
A time of reflection and celebration of the light of Christ returning after the darkness.
Join us afterwards for pastries and coffee.
Our celebration that Jesus rose again! With worship, teaching, communion and an opportunity for baptism.
We will have two services at 9am and 11am - please book a free space as we are expecting these services to be busy but have a limited capacity in the building.
Our 11am service will be more family friendly with kids activities and will be livestreamed for those who can’t make it in person but both services are open to everyone!
We’’ll be marking the start of Lent with a time of prayer and worship together as well as the opportunity to receive ashing.
Our celebration that Jesus rose again! A family friendly service of worship, teaching and prayer. We’ll have two services to ensure there’s plenty of space for people to celebrate with us but they’ll be the same service so don’t worry about missing out. Save your seat for either our 9am or 11am services below.
A time of reflection and prayer, remembering the three hours when Jesus hung on the cross before His death.
Journey with the characters from the Easter story to the cross. A family-friendly event with interactive activities and crafts.
Stay for refreshments and a hot cross bun after the service.
A reflective service with sung worship, liturgy and communion, taking us through the night before Jesus died.
Due to clergy illness and staff holidays we are sadly having to cancel tonight’s evenings prayer night.
Do please join us instead at 12:30pm today for a service of ashing if you are able or you can head to The Minster for any of their ashing services (7:30am, 12pm and 5:30pm).
Don't forget to be join us in our Pray, Give, Grow series as we pray together as a church this lent. You can find all the resources at
Join us for our regular Wednesday Lunchtime Service where we will be sharing communion together and offering ashing.
Our celebration that Jesus rose again!
This year we will be holding two services due to the numbers in De Grey Rooms. These will be at 9am and 11am. Both services will be the same with a talk from our curate, James Congreve-Horn. The service will be family-friendly with children’s activities, worship, prayer, communion and baptisms as we celebrate the amazing resurrection of Jesus.
Save your space for either service below.
Our celebration that Jesus rose again!
A family-friendly service of worship, teaching and prayer with baptisms.
A reflective celebration of Jesus' rising again, as the sun rises over York.
The service will be held outside our building on the forecourt so wrap up warm!
Join us for bacon rolls and refreshments after the service in our Church Hall.
A time of reflection and prayer, remembering the three hours when Jesus hung on the cross before His death.
Journey with the characters from the Easter story to the cross. A family-friendly event with interactive activities and crafts.
Stay after the service for coffee and hot cross buns before our next event.
A reflective service with sung worship, liturgy, communion and foot washing, taking us through the night before Jesus died.
St Michael le Belfrey will be open for you to pray or just enjoy being in this historic place of peace in the centre of York.
Throughout the day there will storytelling, short gospel talks, live music and refreshments. We will also be having a bake sale headed up by our children and youth team to help raise money for our Impact Project for the the restoration of our church building.
Our celebration of Jesus' rising again! A family-friendly service of worship, teaching and prayer with communion and baptisms.
We will follow the service with refreshments and hot cross buns.
A reflective celebration of Jesus’ rising again as the sun rises over York.
Join us on the forecourt of church as we celebrate the empty tomb with worship and a short talk from the word followed by breakfast in the Belfrey Hall.
St Michael le Belfrey will be open for you to pray or just enjoy being in this place of peace in the city-centre.
Do come along and join us and invite others for any or all the time. We will be handing out coffee and cakes and have activites for all ages as well as space to reflect and pray.
A time of reflection and prayer, remembering the three hours when Jesus hung on the cross before His death.
Journey with the characters from the Easter story to the cross. A family friendly event with interactive activites and crafts.
Stay for a cuppa and a hot cross bun between the Good Friday Messy Church service and the Three Hours at the Cross reflection.
A reflective service with sung worship, liturgy, word and communion taking us through the night before Jesus died
Our Easter Sunday Service will be online with lots of things helping us celebrate the Easter story. Join us on our website, Facebook page and YouTube channel as we worship, pray, learn and party in celebration of the life we find in Jesus.
We're excited that our Easter Sunrise Service will be in person at St Michael le Belfrey Church. Seats will be limited and bookings will be live from Friday 26th March at 5pm, click here to book a seat. It's a great way to start the festivity of Easter Sunday together!
An hour to ponder, meditate and reflect on the Passion of Jesus. This will be led by our Vicar, Matthew Porter, on Facebook Live. Remember you don't need a Facebook account to watch our live videos, just click on the link.
You're welcome to our Good Friday All-Age Service, a chance for people to reflect on the incredible story of Easter. There will be a talk, worship as well as a time to pause. You can watch along on our website, YouTube Channel and Facebook page. Why not invite someone along?
Join Andy Baker on Zoom for prayers and Holy Communion on Maundy Thursday. A great way to take stock at the beginning of the Easter Weekend. Click on the event to see the Zoom details.
Join us from home for our online Easter Sunday service, which will be followed by facebook live where Andy Baker will be taking communion.
Join us from home for a short early-morning service, livestreamed on Facebook.
Join us from home for a livestreamed reflection on the cross, led by our vicar Matthew.
Join us from home for our Maundy Thursday service. Mike will lead us in communion, which you are most welcome to join in with.