Filtering by: Women
Women's Brunch
10:30 AM10:30

Women's Brunch

Please join us for a brew and pastry, as we join together to explore what our God-given voice in the secular world of work looks like. We will be hearing from a panel of women working in various sectors, sharing both the challenges, and the testimonies in the workplace and how God is using their voice to build His kingdom. Whether you are a student, exploring what's next or retired from the workplace, this is for you, as we come together, to worship, pray for different sectors (that you're currently, used to be or want to be in) to see God's kingdom come and support one another, in using our God-given voices in the world, whatever that looks like for each of us.

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Women's Brunch
10:30 AM10:30

Women's Brunch

Join the Women's Ministry for a morning of community, worship, testimonies, and pastries as we hear about knowing and using our God-given voices.
As we gather together, Hayley Baker will spend some time sharing more about the theme for this year. Members of our congregation have also been invited to share their testimonies about how God has spoken into their stories and called them to use their voices. This will be an amazing opportunity to hear about what God is doing within our community, so please join us.

We want to make sure everyone who wants to can join us so if money is a problem, please do contact the women's team via email ( or talk to one of the team and we can sort a free ticket.

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Women's Event - Chocolate and Co Fundraiser in Partnership with Restore
7:30 PM19:30

Women's Event - Chocolate and Co Fundraiser in Partnership with Restore

Join us for a wonderful, wintry evening of luxury hot chocolate tasting with Chocolate and Co, as they take us on the journey of cocoa, with a fun quiz, prizes and testimonies of transformation from the beneficiaries supported by the charity.
Chocolate and Co. are a local charity dedicated to transforming lives and creating positive change. By providing a paid employment project, they offer a sense of purpose, connectedness and belonging. In partnership with Restore, a local
Christian housing charity helping people facing homelessness in our community, they offer a future hope. 
If you would like to know more please visit their websites, below:

The evening will include five tasters of hot chocolate per person, freshly made and melted down from various percentages of real chocolate, accompanied by a palate cleanser and a tasty traybake.
Whilst we make every attempt at managing allergens, please note that there is always risk of cross contamination so this needs to be taken into account when booking this event. This includes Nuts, Soya, Milk and Oats. 

There will also be an opportunity to purchase chocolate gift sets, perfect for Christmas and to consider the various ways in which we can support these charities, from regular prayer and giving, to offering skills or simply going for a drink in the Chocolate and Co cafe, on Lowther Street, York. 

Spaces are limited, so please book on to ensure admission. Please sign up, invite others along and perhaps even make up a table of eight. For catering purposes, bookings will close by end of day on Fri 8th November. 

We hope you will join us as we support these wonderful local charities serving the city of York.

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Women's Brunch: Who does Jesus say I am?
10:30 AM10:30

Women's Brunch: Who does Jesus say I am?

Grab your hot drink (or juice!) and (Bluebird Bakery) pastry and join us for a time of worship, teaching, prayer ministry and building community, as we invite God, to grow our confidence, in who He says we are. 

Most of us struggle (often privately), to really believe that God thinks we’re amazing. We will be looking at why this may be and finding a way that leads us to be confident in the work of the Cross. We are told that ‘It is for Freedom that Christ has set us free, no longer subject to a yolk of slavery’. Galatians 5:1. Please join us, as we work this out together. 

We are excited to welcome Jane Beaumont, back to speak to us, after our women's day earlier this year. Jane loves Jesus and longs for others to know his transforming power to set us free, as we accept who we are in Christ. Jane is an ordained priest, with a long-standing freedom ministry. She is married, with two grown up children and 3 grandchildren, and serves in her local church and trains leaders in the UK and abroad.

Doors open at 10:15am and you can book on here

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Women's Social - Walk and Lunch
11:00 AM11:00

Women's Social - Walk and Lunch

Join us on our Belfrey Women’s social, as we walk in the beautiful Easingwold countryside together, followed by a delicious pub lunch, together. Whether you’re new, checking us out or been at the Belfrey for ages, this is a great opportunity to meet other women of all ages, from our church community. Our walking route shall be gentle and accessible but do come along to the lunch even if you’re unable to join the walk.

Lunch spaces are limited so book on ASAP (you are welcome to join for the walk only). We will be asking people ahead of time for their food order but will be in touch separately with menu info so we can pre-order.

We'll meet at 11am at The George Hotel in Easingwold for the walk and return here for lunch at 12:30pm. There is parking here but car sharing is recommended or you can arrive by bus - the 30X/30/40 all leave from Exhibition Square opposite the De Grey Rooms and drop you off at the pub. 

If it's raining we hope to still continue the walk and just advise people, dress for the weather! In severe weather, the lunch will go ahead without the walk.

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Women's Day Conference
10:00 AM10:00

Women's Day Conference

We are excited to welcome Jane Beaumont, to lead us in hearing God and releasing His gifts, to build His church and His Kingdom here. Alongside teaching, there will be some practical sessions, with the opportunity to try out and grow in confidence, in the gifts of the Spirit. It's going to be fun!


Jane is madly and profoundly in love with Jesus. Once a very reluctant leader, God led Jane to be an ordained priest in the Church of England in 2008. Now a retired vicar, Jane continues to follow the Lord's lead in their local church community, whilst her ministry is predominantly pastoral she is also a gifted speaker and serves regularly in this way. She loves to see people set free, be that in inner healing, or calling forth His goodness and gifts from people. Being a part of and witnessing His transformation in others, is the reason she gets up each morning. 


Jane says 'Spiritual gifts are an essential part of our personal discipleship, growing the church and advancing the Kingdom. Our spiritual gifts are like the fuel in a car, taking us on unimaginable adventures and often to uncharted territory - all for the glory of the Lord.'


Come and join us for worship, prayer, teaching and fellowship together. 


There will be refreshments and cake provided, but please bring your own lunch, or take advantage of the plethora of cafes / take-away venues on offer. 

The women's ministry is completely self sufficient and all proceeds go into running the events. If money is a problem but you would still like to come, please do get in touch with us on

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Belfrey Women x Impact Fundraiser Afternoon Tea
2:00 PM14:00

Belfrey Women x Impact Fundraiser Afternoon Tea

We are raising money for Impact and having some fun whilst doing so!
Please join us for afternoon tea in the De Grey Rooms, for tea, cake,  a Bake-Off competition, music, and community. 

There will be drinks on arrival, tea & coffee with the afternoon tea. There will also be a cake demonstration by Ursula's Kitchen and the opportunity to buy a raffle ticket to win this professionally made & decorated cake! Delicious! 


Vote for your favourite looking cake with your tokens & get the chance to taste test!

We would love it, if you could sign up to bring either sweet or savoury baked goods. And if you're up for a bit of friendly competition, you can also enter your bake into a Bake-Off style contest, where the winner gets a prize!

Impact merchandise will also be available for purchase if you'd like. 

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Women's Breakfast - Reclaiming God's Vision for Women
9:30 AM09:30

Women's Breakfast - Reclaiming God's Vision for Women

Please join us for breakfast, as we unpack the scriptures to understand God's vision for women; to be released alongside men, into all that He is calling them to. 

We will be joined by Janey Lawry-White who is the Chief Operating Officer at WTC; a non denominational charismatic theology college with a hub in York, where she is also a current MA student. Prior to this, Janey has worked on gender-based violence in the humanitarian sector for the United Nations, governments and international charities. 

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Women's Breakfast
9:30 AM09:30

Women's Breakfast

Come and enjoy a full English breakfast and hear Hayley Baker share the vision and programme for 2024. Let's gather together to pray in and agree with all God wants to do to encourage, equip and release in us this season. Doors will open at 9:30am.

Tickets are £6.50, with a discounted price for students/those who can't afford the full price. 

All money donated to Belfrey Women goes back into the ministry. It covers the cost of food, external speakers and associated charities. 


Please email for a free place if you would like to attend and are unable to contribute financially at this time or if you have any questions about the event.

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Kingdom Theology Event in York with Dr Lucy Peppiatt
7:30 PM19:30

Kingdom Theology Event in York with Dr Lucy Peppiatt

Making all things new !

Come and join Dr Lucy Peppiatt from WTC for a Kingdom Theology Event on Tuesday 20th February at 7.30pm (doors open from 7pm).

In this talk, Lucy will be exploring the topic of how God, by his Spirit, works to recreate his creation and even us as individuals. We will look at the question of what it means to be saved, why we continue to sin, how God helps us in our weakness, and whether we really can become someone 'new'.

There will be a chance to ask questions and also an opportunity to find out more about WTC and what it is like to study with us.

W e look forward to seeing you there!

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Women's Teaching Day - Living Free, Staying Free
9:30 AM09:30

Women's Teaching Day - Living Free, Staying Free

For their annual teaching day this year, Belfrey Women have invited Arianna Walker from Mercy UK to come speak and lead the day exploring how we can truly know the freedom we have in Christ and how to live in this. 

We want to see women across the generations coming together to be built-up and rooted in our identity in Christ, empowered and released into what He is calling us to and confident in the part we play in seeing His Kingdom come. Please join us for a teaching day with Arianna Walker, from Mercy UK, as we explore what it means to live free and stay free in Christ. 

For more information head to

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Women's Breakfast
9:30 AM09:30

Women's Breakfast

Belfrey Women are hosting a breakfast running from 9.30-11am on the 25th March. A speaker is coming in from Rosecastle Foundation who work with communities and leaders around the world to promote faith based ways of find peace and rebuilding relationships. 
No charge but donations welcome.

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Women's Retreat Day
9:30 AM09:30

Women's Retreat Day


Our Retreat Day will have the theme of ‘Creativity’ and be led by Sister Heather Francis of the Order of the Holy Paraclete, Whitby.  Here’s what she says about herself:

I am a Science graduate (in Botany and Ecology) and a teacher, and have worked in St Hilda's School, Whitby.  Before and after joining the Community I also taught in Zimbabwe and Swaziland.  I did a 'fill-in' at St Benedict's, Jo'burg, just before Independence, spent a wonderful three years in Mid Craigie, Dundee in the mid-90s and have recently returned to Whitby after 2 years in Bishopthorpe Palace.  Who said religious life was dull?

My interests are education and young people (I particularly like teenagers!) and the Voluntary Sector.  I have been a college governor with interest in Special Educational Needs and post-16 non-academic students.

I am a 'clergy daughter' with an inherited interest in Reader ministry, and a member of the York Diocese Vocations Team.

If this encourages you to join us please book here

Should you be unable to get yourself to Thicket Priory please request a lift at the time of booking, and we will endeavour to put you in touch with someone who can help.

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