We want to see women across the generations coming together to be built-up and rooted in our identity in Christ, empowered and released into what He is calling us to and confident in the part we play in seeing His Kingdom come here in our city of York.
Belfrey Women is entering a new season this year as Hayley Baker steps into the leadership of it, alongside a wonderful team: Jamie Bowman, Dani Cook, Kay Scott, Remi Oduyemi and Ursula Warrington.
Hayley is a qualified Youth and Community worker by trade, primarily working with offenders and those with additional learning needs. She enjoys mentoring and longs to help others know their worth and freedom in Christ. Hayley has felt the call to lead since she was 16 years old, and is expectant of what the Lord will do amongst women and His church in this time. Hayley is married to Andy Baker, our Interim Priest in Charge, and is currently a full-time mum to their two wonderful children.
Identity in Christ - Jane Beaumont
We had the honour of Jane Beaumont speaking at our last women's brunch on our identity in Christ. The truth about who God says we are brings us freedom and life, giving us confidence to follow and partner with Him. Please check it out.
Using Spiritual Gifts - Jane Beaumont
For our women's day conference, we were excited to welcome Jane Beaumont to share about how to discover and use spiritual gifts. Jane is a passionate follower of the Lord and became an ordained priest in the Church of England in 2008. Now a retired vicar, she continues to serve in her local church. She has a heart for seeing others transform through the power of Christ and cultivating the gifts that God has given us. Jane says, 'Spiritual gifts are an essential part of our personal discipleship, growing the church and advancing the Kingdom. Our spiritual gifts are like the fuel in a car, taking us on unimaginable adventures and often to uncharted territory - all for the glory of the Lord.' In this recording of the day's second session, Jane discusses how spiritual gifts can be used well and challenges us to continue asking for more.
Janey Lawry-White - Reclaiming God's Vision for Women
We had the privilege of welcoming Janey Lawry-White to speak to us on Reclaiming God's Vision for Women, where she offered a biblical overview and framework with which to approach the topic. Janey is the Chief Operating Officer for WTC; an interdenominational, charismatic theological college which exists to serve the UK church. Janey is also a current MA student at WTC, and Managing Director of WTC Consulting Ltd which is the consulting wing of the college. Before joining WTC she worked on gender-based violence in the humanitarian sector for the United Nations, governments and international charities. She also ran a couple of small businesses, and worked for the BBC. Janey has been a Christian all her life, and has loved taking the opportunity to study with WTC over the past five years - a faith-deepening and life-changing experience. She has been married for nearly 45 years, and has 4 adult children, and 2 grandchildren. If you'd like to know more about WTC and the opportunity to study, the next two open evenings are on 14th May and 25th June 2024. Please go to wtctheology.org.uk or contact Katie Rowe, York Hub Director, york@wtctheology.org.uk for more information.
Upcoming 2025 Events
TBC Events
Women’s Walk and pub social
Late Sept. TBC.
Mailing List
The mailing list is being renewed at the moment so that we can make sure every woman in the Belfrey family has a chance to be part of this special, multi-generational community. We’d love you to take a moment to sign up!