This quarter’s focus will be on Foodbank, linked into our giving of food at Harvest time.

If you’d like to know more about how we already partner with York Foodbank, click here.

Love Your Neighbour - Harvest and York Foodbank

Our Autumn Love Your Neighbour focus continues to be on food, and working towards making sure everyone in York has the essentials to live.

So how can you get involved?

We’ll be celebrating Harvest at all our services in the autumn, and we’ll publicise the date when it’s available.

So what does this mean?

  • Harvest is when we celebrate God’s goodness in providing us with all we need, with particular reference to food

  • If you’re able, please bring food items to the harvest services when we’ll collect and pass them onto York Foodbank.Watch out for our Social Action inserts in the Friday newsletter, and on social media, and be ready to bring much needed items to your Sunday service. 

York Foodbank

Each week in the Friday newsletter, we give details of the most needed items, or why not download the BankTheFood app to get up-to-date needs when you’re at the supermarket?

And, this quarter, we’ll be listing the item most needed - so keep an eye out!

CAP debt clients

Did you know every time Ania visits a new client she takes along a pack of biscuits?  You may be surprised how much this means to them as often they haven’t had people being kind to them, and it moves the emphasis from a business meeting to one of friends visiting to help.

Could you buy some good quality biscuits for Ania to take?


Carecent is a breakfast centre run from Central Methodist Church for all homeless, unemployed or otherwise socially excluded members of the community.

The Belfrey has supported them at Autumn time before, but this year they’re asking mainly for monetary donations as they don’t have storage facilities for foodstuffs.  To find out more, and to donate, please go to their Harvest website page.


All the major supermarkets in York (and some of the smaller ones) have places you can pick up and donate food.  Why not check out the Bank the Food app when you’re shopping and add something the York Foodbank needs to your shop?