Belfrey Women: A New Season & How To Join In

We’re blessed here at The Belfrey to have fantastic ministries for community and discipleship. The Belfrey Women’s ministry is entering a new season in 2023 which we’re delighted to invite you to be part of!

We want to see women across the generations coming together to be built-up and rooted in our identity in Christ, empowered and released into what He is calling us to and confident in the part we play in seeing His Kingdom come here in our city of York.

Belfrey Women is entering a new season this year as Hayley Baker steps into the leadership of it, alongside a wonderful team: Kay Scott, Remi Oduyemi, Ursula Warrington and Becca Hewitt.

Hayley is a qualified Youth and Community worker by trade, primarily working with offenders and those with additional learning needs. She enjoys mentoring and longs to help others know their worth and freedom in Christ. Hayley has felt the call to lead since she was 16 years old, and is expectant of what the Lord will do amongst women and His church in this time. Hayley is married to Andy Baker, our Associate Vicar, and is currently a full-time mum to their two wonderful children.

The mailing list is being renewed at the moment so that we can make sure every woman in the Belfrey family has a chance to be part of this special, multi-generational community. We’d love you to take a moment to sign up! Please also invite the women of your Belfrey Group and other friends from church to do this too.



The next event in the Belfrey Women calendar is our annual Teaching Day on Saturday 3rd June.

We’re delighted that Arianna Walker will be joining us, helping us to explore what it means to live free and stay free in Christ. 

Arianna is the CEO of Mercy UK - a charity which equips Christians with the tools they need to thrive: to experience real freedom from the issues that hold them back and navigate life’s challenges from this place of wellbeing and wholeness. They run a Freedom Course which includes one-to-one mentoring, counselling and other specialist support. They also train churches and leaders in responding to mental health challenges through pastoral care and discipleship.

Come and join us, and invite your sisters in Christ along too!


Amber Boydell