Giving to Impact as we near Construction
We look forward to selecting our Contractor and starting to prepare for Construction but the costs now exceed the budget. We are working hard with the Design team to make cost savings.
If you have not been in a position to give to Impact or have been waiting to get closer to Construction then now would be a great time to give or make a pledge (i.e. commit) to give an amount each month. If you can give again or extend your giving that would be amazing.
We would love to see if we can double the generous giving already received from the Belfrey congregations. This would take us closer to the full design we want for our church building and/or not have to take out such a big loan. By giving now it offers greater assurance that we have the money in place to sign the contract with the building company.
If you give by 21 May then a generous anonymous donor will add 25% on top (up to £50k). The deadline for new and extended pledges is Sunday 9 June.
We are grateful for your prayers and consideration. God has been in Impact from the start so we can and will see it through. For a full update on Impact download the document.