Get Involved

Student Night

Join us for our weekly Students Nights as we gather as a student community to eat, worship, and seek God together. We meet on Mondays during term time at 7pm in the The De Grey Rooms.

Feel free to just turn up or send us a message for more information or to ask any questions.

Belfrey groups

We have specific 18-30s Belfrey Groups which contain a mixture of students to families and everyone in between. Groups run on Monday to Thursday evenings across homes within York. In a large church like the Belfrey joining a Belfrey Group is a great way to feel a part of the community. These groups meet to dig deeper into the bible, worship and pray with one another. Sign up for more information or email Becca.

Plus Groups

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Plus groups are a place for connection and community around a particular hobby or activity and run alongside existing Belfrey Groups and Ministries. They are designed to be fun and engaging events where you can invite friends. So why not have a look at the existing groups to see if there's something for you, or if there's something you're passionate about why not make a bid to start one!


Get In Touch


Becca Tilbrook

18-30s Worker

Email Becca