Our vision is to point young people to The Way of Jesus. We create spaces for young people to encounter God, equip them to love others and empower them to serve the local church.
On Tuesday evenings we gather together to have a laugh, hang out and worship Jesus together. This is for high school and college students (11-18 years old), from 6:30-8:30pm at The Belfrey Hall.
On Sundays, we gather together during The Eleven. This is for high school students (11-16 years old). We have breakfast and learn from God's word in The De Grey Rooms.
We love to come alongside our young people to listen, pray and support them in their walk with Jesus. This is a vital part of their discipleship (or apprenticeship) with Jesus.
Each year we go to Encounter and Luminosity with the young people. We also have seasonal events such as Youth Fest, which we partner with local churches as part of Unite Youth York uniteyouthyork.org
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Get in touch
Wayne Cadman
Youth Worker