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Besom - Bundles of joy

Bundles of Joy is part of The Besom in York Family.

Bundles of Joy was started by Rachel Kirkby from The Belfrey in 2016. Bundles exists to help families in our community who are in need of some extra support by providing them with practical gifts of baby essentials. They make up bundles of baby things, usually in a Moses Basket or baby bath ready to give to expectant mothers or parents with young babies.

To find out more click here:


To give through prayer:

Here is the latest prayer update from Bundles:

  • “Recipients - Please pray that each family we help know they are loved, and that the items they request will be donated.

  • “Referrers - Please pray for the work our referrers do, and that they contact us when we can be of use.

  • “Finances - We are very grateful for all who donate to us financially. Pllease pray for some new givers to allow us to buy mattresses and stairgates, among other things.

  • “Volunteers - Please pray for people who will volunteer their time to sort, wash, iron, clean and deliver.

  • “Delivery teams - Please thank God for our current delivery teams.”

To give donations:

Bundles currently needs wipes, double buggies, toiletries, baby bedding, stairgates.

To give financially:

To give financially to Bundles please email Catherine

To give your time and skills:

Bundles need people to help with sorting and delivering Bundles.